Discover what your customers really want

Pandalign helps you run qualitative user research and unite your company's focus on the "WHY".

Join our exclusive early-beta community today and be part of a journey alongside 70+ founders and product experts.

After interviewing over 70+ founders & product people, we identified the most frequent challenges

Difficulty in defining and finding target user personas.

Writing messages that fail to engage potential interviewees.

Questions more focused on validating solutions than problems.

Challenges in synthesizing insights from interviews into solutions.

Rushing into implementation without fully understanding the problem.


"Products that ignore user needs miss the mark. 80% of features in the average software product are rarely or never used."

Feature Adoption Report by Pendo

Pandalign provides you a homebase for your continuous customer discovery

Continuous customer discovery is essential for businesses to grasp changing market needs, 
adapt personas effectively, ensure consistent innovation, and stay competitive in their industry.


A streamlined, comprehensive process that encompasses every critical step of customer discovery.


Access actionable guides ensuring unbiased and effective customer discovery practices.


Our AI will help you increase the velocity of customer discovery and connect the dots by generating valuable insights.

Our process is as easy as sending pandas into space.


Pandalign insights bring value to every part of your company

Customer discovery insights that help you grow your business and increase velocity of value delivery.


As a founder or product manager, Pandalign simplifies my process of exploration. The insights gained help me build user-centric products and features, fostering cross-functional alignment and higher user retention rates.


Access to Pandalign's customer discovery insights offers a significant advantage in formulating go-to-market strategies. Leveraging these insights helps reduce customer acquisition costs and amplifies conversion rates.


As sales we gained invaluable time savings through Pandalign's customer discovery insights. Understanding clearly the persona & their pain points massively affected our sales conversion rates and customer lifetime value.

Join successful product builders today & start validating your hypotheses turning them into solutions that customers love following our well-crafted process.

Join our exclusive early-beta community today and be part of a journey alongside 70+ founders and product experts.